How much longer can you tolerate the current trajectory?
It never feels like the right time to get bold and stop playing small.
This afternoon I was speaking with a potential client. He reached out to me because he wants to take some of his work to a new level…
BUT he has spent the last few years working on creating the best years of his marriage, cleaning up his personal health and taking lots of time away from the office.
He wants to uplevel the business without sacrificing what he has created for personal life, love life and health.
I asked him a pivotal question…
“How much longer would you tolerate the current state of engagement and passion with your work?”
He told me that if nothing changed by the fall, he’d be really upset. And then he began to tell me how the fall wouldn’t be a good time to make changes. That he has a teaching gig so he’d only be working on his main business part-time.
I kindly called BS. He told me that he wants to step up his current business and have interesting side gigs as part of the plan. So I challenged him around the notion that this fall is not the time to start playing big.
If not now, then when? What obstacle, opportunity or distraction would come after this next gig?
He instantly got it. He claimed that calling out that line of thinking was one of the most valuable things that had happened to him in years.
We then talked about the illusion of “not having enough time” or it not being “the right time”.
When we are about to do scary shit, get bold, go big and make the change…
It never feels like the right time. Because life is never free of obstacle or challenge.
Do you want to be having the same conversation with yourself 1 year, 2 years or 10 years from now?
Now is the time. It’s Your Turn!
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