Men who have extraordinary performance in the boardroom, bedroom and family room have emotional intelligence, energetic intelligence, and erotic intelligence.
Since Daniel Goleman’s breakthrough publications in 1991, professional men have started to pay attention to emotional intelligence. Amazing leaders possess a high level of emotional intelligence and there is evidence that those with high IQ can create extraordinary growth in EI. It’s now widely accepted and known that leadership development must include a focus on EI.
Men who care deeply about their work and business performance will invest in EI to increase leadership qualities and organizational performance.
And often these same men are imbalanced. While they crush it at work, they are frustrated, bored or downright feel powerless in their personal lives. They complain about a lack of sex with their wife, frustration with their parents and siblings, poor health or mood and feelings of low competence parenting.
It’s time that we, as successful men, expand our capacity and learn to step into our fullest life in the family room and bedroom.
How do we do this? Well, that’s simple but not easy.
It’s time to consciously cultivate strength, performance, and power with EI3.
Emotional Intelligence
Energetic Intelligence
Erotic Intelligence
Let’s break these down for a moment to gain a deeper understanding. No one is teaching men to focus on or develop these 3 capacities that make for an extraordinary life, so it’s time for some 101 level learning.
Emotional intelligence is the combination of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management. Basically, how well do you know yourself and how aware are you of others emotional and social needs. Then, how you apply that knowledge and awareness to create self-mastery and relationship success.
Energetic intelligence is how aware and competent we are in managing our own energy and reading or feeling the energy of another person, relationship or group dynamic. Which is vital for positive relationships and a great social life. It’s often the difference between a man who burns out from lack of balance and a man that has great health and love life.
Erotic intelligence is a combination of emotional intelligence, energetic intelligence, body awareness, sensual intelligence and knowledge and skill to understand, navigate and illicit desire and pleasure. Men who have high erotic intelligence are great lovers, leaders, and parents. It’s not about tricks in the bedroom or what kind of kinky shit you like. It’s about human aliveness and passion.
At this point you might be asking, “So how and where do I learn to cultivate strength in energetic and erotic intelligence?”
Well, that’s easy. In your life. See you’ve been given a lot to handle for a reason. You’ve been able to produce and perform at a high level so that life will bring you challenges in your personal life. These challenges are the training grounds for your next level of accomplishment, mastery, and growth. They aren’t just a pain in the ass. They are the gift that you are seeing as a painful problem.
Embrace these challenges. Embrace your life.
When you have excelled in one part of life, it’s simply a matter of moving some attention, energy, and action towards those other parts of life.
You don’t need to go to a workshop or read a bunch of books to create a high performance with EI3. You just need to practice a new mindset and skillsets in the life that you’ve already created.
Soon, I will be writing about practices that help men develop all three intelligences and that help them create more of what they want with love, sex, parenting, and personal health.
Stay tuned.
It’s your turn.
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