You weren’t taught the mindset or the skill set to approach every difficult and pivotal conversation in your career, business, love life, social life or family dynamics with courage, love and power. 

For myself and my clients there have been countless conversations that literally changed our lives. When you are tired of waiting, hesitating, hedging and sugar coating, fill out the form below. 

It will remain confidential. I’ll email you a time to talk about your situation and we can decide together is this coaching service is a fit. 


What’s possible if you have an ally for stepping into bold and courageous conversations with vision and new skills? 

Dave got himself a $30,000 per year raise and a $25,000 retention bonus. He’d worked there for 16 years feeling undervalued. 

Daniel landed his first big job in his advertising agency. Previously, he’d spent a year avoiding a tough conversation with a vendor he had worked with. 

Damian got his company to pay for leadership training and eventually landed a new job. He also started speaking up with his girlfriend about sex and other challenging topics. They are now getting married. 

Paul has renegotiated his roll in the small start up firm he works for. He no longer has to work crazy hours being the jack of all trades. He is focused on what he loves doing and positioned to start his own consulting firm next year. 

Mike learned to courageously end dating relationships. He no longer hides out, plays small or sabotages the relationships hoping that the woman will break up with him. 

Jim is a highly coveted public speaker working for a government agency. He was getting burnt out flying around and doing the talks that the “bosses” wanted him to do. He put his foot down and now only chooses projects, trips and speaking engagements that excite him. 

Bill is a high powered VP at a tech firm. He built a career working longer and harder than anyone. The only problem was that he was killing himself by not managing his health. He had one big conversation with the CFO and now leaves the office everyday at 6pm to work out and cook. He doesn’t check email after 6pm and takes off every other Friday. 

John finally told his partners that he wants out of the business. He thought that they’d be upset and cut him out of financial deals he had been working towards. Instead he is going to transition out of the company on his time line, with benefits and on amicable terms with his long term business partners. 

These are just a few examples of what my clients have done with their new mindset and skill set. 

How it Works

You start by filling out the form below. 

I will reach out to you to schedule a complimentary conversation within 3 business days. 

We have a 20 to 30 minute conversation about your desire, challenge and possibilities. In this conversation we decide if it’s a fit to work together. 

We conduct 3 coaching conversations to prepare you for the big conversation. We go over mindset, values, and communication skills.

I hold you accountable for putting the wheels in motion logistically to schedule or set up a time to talk to the other party. 

You go into the conversation with clarity, confidence and grace. You have that 10 to 20 minute sweaty conversation that you’ve been avoiding. It goes far better than you would have expected. 

We have a final session to review the experience, identify key learnings, set a course for next steps and celebrate the pivotal moment in your life. 

The Cost

This 4 session package is a fixed rate of $999.95. 

The big question is, what will it cost you financially, emotionally, psychologically if you avoid this conversation? 

What will it be worth to you, as you move forward in life, if you have the courage, mindset and skill set to have these bold, pivotal conversation with more ease for the rest of your life? 

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