What is the difference between the guy who creates the life he wants and the guy who spends his life learning about creating the life he wants? 

It’s simple. One focuses on learning content and becoming and expert. He sits at home and consumes while trying to learn enough to avoid discomfort and risk. 

The other is focused on learning content but more focused on becoming a student of himself. He is willing to go inside a cultivate awareness. He is willing to apply what he is learning in life by taking risk and gaining actual wisdom and insight. 

You were taught to learn about topics and to become an expert in a subject or skill. Our whole education system and a lot of our employment have us succeeding when we are good at applying information or formulas to external objects or situations. 

The most successful people are often so powerful at learning and studying content that they have a really hard time when shit hits the fan in their lives or when it’s time to take on new personal or interpersonal skills. 

Watch this video to hear about how one of my clients made the shift from becoming an expert on dating, love and relationship who is lonely and wondering why he isn’t getting the love and affection he wants to having rapid and extraordinary success at dating after a difficult divorce. 

Maybe it’s time to stop reading books, going to seminars and listening to podcasts in hopes that the right information will create transformation. If you are saturated with information on what you want out of life but underwhelmed with your own capacity to create it, reach out to me.

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