We all experience the negative talk and desire to quit!

I want to share this pivotal moment from my work day today.

People often think that successful people are immune to negative self talk. We often think that those who appear bold and confident are unshakeable. That’s just not true.

If you have a goal to grow your business, lose weight or find the love of your life you will need to know how to handle moments where you are filled with negative self talk and want to quit.

The moment you decide to go the gym even though you are tired.

The moment that you decide to work for just 30 more minutes when you are frustrated and want to quit.

The moment you decided to have that difficult conversation with your partner, when you could easily procrastinate.

These are the pivotal moments that create or steal momentum. No one is immune to this. It’s time to stop waiting for this kind of resistance to go away.


Is it time to create more mastery of your mind in these moments? Apply to work with me.



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